Thursday, August 14, 2008

Welcome to the Issues of the Week Discussion!

Hello, everyone!

This is where 10% of your grade begins. The rules for the discussions are as follows:

1. You will be posting a blog on an issue. What you will do is EMAIL to me the blog on the issue you wish to cover and the commentary you wish to add to the topic (naturally, you've got to start the conversation). I will post it up on the blog site for your classmates; whereupon, the discussion will begin.

2. You will also be responsible for CONTRIBUTING your thoughts, comments, theories, comparisons, rants, raves, inquiries, outrage, etc. on each of the blogs posted by your classmates. It's a give-and-take discussion, as well it should be.

3. Your blog postings and responses must NOT be anonymous. It wouldn't make much sense to grade an anonymous contributor when I wouldn't know to whom I'd grant the grade, would it?

4. Since your blog postings and commentaries aren't going to be anonymous, I expect you to respond thoughtfully and intelligently. Please note, however, that I will not censor your writing. I strongly adhere to the ideology of freedom of speech. I simply ask that you refrain from using vacuous vulgarities and brash insults directed at your fellow commentators. That's not adequate argumentation, in any case.

5. Your blog issue will be on a CURRENT topic that's debatable. This may require you to start reading the newspaper and newsworthy magazines, watching the tube, browsing the internet, and so forth. Direct your blog commentators to certain stories/articles on the topic as well, to assist in your discussion and their contributions.

6. Bear in mind, folks, I'll be contributing, too! Don't let MY vantage dissuade you from posting either (in good argumentation, no side is 100% right or wrong!). That certainly ISN'T what freedom of speech entails. In other words, feel free to disagree with my views. Just be prepared to back up your claim!

7. Have a good time with this. What I hope this blog will do is free your mind a bit and give you some ideas as to research paper topics you might not have thought of before!

So, without further adieu... Let's begin with something easy --

Each of you introduce yourself and give us ONE pet peeve -- one thing that irritates you -- big or small -- that really gets under your skin.

I'll start:

I'm MacKenzie Jennings (duh), and I can't stand people who engage in frivolous lawsuits and put on a ridiculous victim mentality. For instance -- do any of you remember the McDonald's hot coffee cup lawsuit fiasco? Whatever happened to personal accountability?


M. B. Jennings said...

By the way, everyone, please take a peek over at my last 1102 class' blog (just to see what this is all about):

jake said...

hey im jake power. something that bothers me is when people bring a crying child to the movie theather it takes away the pleasure of getting away and relaxing.

Ashley said...

Hi My name is Ashley Bearden.
I am 19 years old and an education major.
I work at Haines City Fire Extinguisher Service.
My biggest pet peeve is people who say they will call u and then dont!
Ughhh it drives me CrAzY

jenn said...

Hi My name is Jennifer Anderson, but I go by Jen. I am a mother of four and my biggest pet peeve is rude and disrespectful children. I cannot imagine any of my kids talking to me the way some kids these days talk to their parents!!!!

tiffany said...

Hi my name is Tiffany Wommack and i can not stand when people complain about every little thing that they could possibly think of. For example, their leg hurts from working out, their head hurts, they dont want to do this or do that! Just do it and get it over with!

C. Rice said...

Hey, I'm Chris Rice. One of the things I hate are when people complain about things they KNOW they have to do. Example: "Crap, I gotta go to work today or I hate my job", "I don't want to go to work/practice. I hate practice." Why are you even involved in something if you're gonna complain about it, you don't want to work to get better at it or don't even want to be there? Practice makes perfect, it's the way you get better and stronger. Unless you're incredibly wealthy, you have to work and if you have parents like mine who are not going to take care of you for the rest of your life, then it's a must. Grow up it's life, and I agree with Tiffany, just do it and get it over with!

Anonymous said...

My name is Andrea Lawhorn, I'm 18 years old and I'm currently majoring in Art with a minor in Education. I've worked at Subway since the beginning of May. I'd have to say that my biggest pet peeve would have to be rude, ignorant, and foul-mouthed people. I'm with Jen nine-hundred thousand percent on the rude kids these days. I do alot of work with high schoolers at Haines City High with the marching band, and I've never met such a whiny, lazy, rude, crude, and disrespectful group of students. And even the ones that are good kids easily fall prey to the 'leaders' who bring that badness out in them. Whoever said it was cool to be a jerk needs a wake up call.

Amanda said...

Hi, I'm Amanda Shaw. The one thing that really drives me crazy is listening to (senators, congressmen, etc) on TV say they are going to "fix" illegal immigration, but are not solving the real problem of our immigration system in the first place.

J.HELLER said...

Hi my name is Jason Heller. My biggest pet pev is respect for one anther. Peole now adays think its a given, but i my book it is earned and not automatic.

M. B. Jennings said...

Doing beautifully, everybody, with the pet peeves. Keep at it. Hope the rain doesn't damage our already wacky schedule.

I think I'll add Florida weather to my growing list...

Alexandria said...

Hi I'm Alexandria Kennedy. I like to drive fast. I hate when people pull out fast in front of me, and then when they get in front of me they drive slow.

JR said...

Hey I'm Timothy Robbins, but I go by JR. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people complain about being out of shape or overweight but are too lazy to do anything about it. It drives me insane that a person will complain about this but all they do is just sit around the house playing video games or doing some other useless activity.

alyssa811 said...

Hi my name is Alyssa Maldonado and I'm 18 years old. My biggest pet peeve would have to be people who are around my age who still suck their thumbs. I've seen it a lot and I think it's the most disgusting habit.

Mike said...

Hey I'm Michael Ingram and I am finishing up my Prerequisites for the school of Pharmacy. One thing that bothers me is When people say, while watching a movie
.."Did you see that?" No,I paid
$8.00 to come to a theater and stare at the ceiling up there. What did you come here for?

Daniel Crain said...

Hello. My name is Daniel Crain. Currently I am working towards a degree in Psychology, with a minor in Physics. Above all else, one thing that bothers me the most are those who repeatedly accept things at face value. As society becomes more associated with subconciously telling us what to do, say, and think, I feel it is vital that we begin to once again think for ourselves. It truly amazes me that one can conclude that everything they see on the television, read in the newspaper, or even witness is fact. I believe it is important that we open our eyes, look deeply into issues, and uncover the many truths that exist of which most of us are not privy to. A popular catchphrase is that ignorance is bliss; however as Albert Einstein quoted, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

Jesse Hicks said...

Hey there everybody. I'm Jesse Hicks and I think that the thing that bothers me the most are people that live here and don't know how to speak english. I mean come on, you live in America and have no idea how to communicate with anyone.

sam said...

hey im sam razmi. one thing that drives me absolutely insane are little yappy dogs..... hate those things. i could never date a girl that owns a chihuahua, or pekingese.

Mya said...

Hi I'm Mya Harden. I have a lot of pet peeves, but the one that gets me the most is when two people are arguing or discussing something, and one of the people involved asks an outsider a question like "isn't that what happened, tell him". Even though the outsider doesn't want to get involved, the person arguing just really wants to get their point across and isn't doing a good job of it by themselves. I hate that and it happens to me a lot,because I hate getting involved in people arguing!!!

Billy Knutson said...

My name is William Knutson, though most people just call me Billy. The other day I had an employee I work with tell me that what our country is doing over in Iraq is genocide... That she thought this was unbelievable to me. She told me that we were blowing up innocent people left and right and depriving the Iraqis of all their rights as humans. Now I know that no war is clean and sparkly, and I know that innocents haved died in Iraq. But for her to taint the name of our military by saying that we are commiting genocide set me off.

*Megan* said...

Hi everyone! My name is Megan mabe and I'm majoring in Elementary Education. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people drink and drive. i don't understand why people actually have the audacity to potentially hurt or kill not only themselves but other people as well. If you're going out and you plan on drinking I don't think it's that hard to call a cab or have a designated driver. If you're unable to call a cab or get a designated driver you shouldn't drink at all. I promise you'll survive one night without alcohol. :)

Tiffany Coleman said...

Hello. My name is Tiffany Coleman. My biggest thing that annoys me is if I have made something a certain way and it is organized and someone messes it up!!!!!

Nataly Aguirre said...

My name is Nataly and I am 17 years old. My biggest pet peeve is rude people. They are just very irritating.

ana pimentel said...

Hello my name is ana and my biggest pet peev is when people take things for granted. Just because they have everything or so they believe they do.

Ryan Watson said...

My name in Ryan Watson .I don't have many pet peeves, but the one I do have is this: If I am walking in a theme park and I understand that it is crowded, but if the person in front of me goes and stops and goes and stops and so on for no apparant reason, it really annoys me and I almost want to yell at the person to get out of the way. I never do because it would not be worth my while.

lynn08 said...

I'm way late....My name is Marilyn Washington (lynn08). I'm 19 yrs old and my major is Nursing. I like to talk but love to listen. I will voice my opinion when i feel it's needed. One thing i can't stand is people who talk about themselves none stop. I think it's the most ridiculous thing i've ever experienced. Also when people tell me they are gonna call you back and Never Do!