Friday, September 5, 2008

The cusp of something monumental

Note: this will segway into our next 2 series of reading selections involving themes of gender and race

We are on the verge of a very historical moment -- one that has been (in your teacher's eyes) long overdue.

No matter who wins the 2008 election, we will finally have a minority within the Presidential arena:

Barack Obama (D) as our President or Sarah Palin (R) as our Vice President.



The question is -- are we actually ready for this?

Oh, and here's a June 2008 poll I've dredged up for you that indicates some interesting percentiles:

Views? Thoughts?


Daniel Crain said...

Alright. Let me begin.
As Richard Albert states, "In our culture we have been trained for individual differences to stand out. We make demensional distinctions, put them into categories and treat them that way."
We as human beings are EQUAL. Man and woman. Black, white, red, brown, or blue. We are all human beings with the same abilities. As indeed, we are on the cusp of a monumental election, perhaps we should all take a look deep into ourselves, rather than into others.
This election will yield a form of diversity throughout our nation one way or the other. Granted, there are several interest groups and organizations that will be unhappy either way, and can potentially cause problems for both Obama and Palin. However, evolution will take place irreguardless.
We the people, and we as a nation are evolving and will continue to do so until our final day. We must formulate a new way of thinking that involves seeking out the similarities in one another, rather than the differences. Racial and sexual shovinism is unnacceptable in society today and must be put to an end. As Carl Sagan states, "A new conciousness is devoloping which sees the earth (and people) as a single organism, and recognizes that an organism at war with itself.... is doomed."

M. B. Jennings said...

Very eloquently put, Daniel.

I suppose I find it so difficult to accept/rationalize such irrational behaviors, blatant ignorance, and absolute intolerance by those who claim to be proud citizens of our culture of diversity -- one that thrives on progression rather than regression.

jake said...

My view is that if Obama wins that something will happen to him and there will be a Racial uprising of ingerent people. Also when it comes to Palin Im afraid the press will tare apart her family even though she is a powerful person and women and i dont think sexism is as big of a problem that it used to be.

My thoughts are that we are ready for change.We need something new to happen in order to reunite America again and show that we are not old fashioned and we are moving forward.

raffy22 said...
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raffy22 said...

i think that everyone thinks everyone is ready..we haven't realized how much different its going to be to have a minority in the presidency..we are only going to find out once it actually happens

lynn08 said...

I believe America is in desperate need of change. I also believe that who ever gets in the hot seat rather it's Obama as president or Palin as vice president there will be alot of sexist and racist comments. However, this will also give America a chance to stand together and really have beliefs and confidence in creating a better home for ourselves as well as our children. The world isn't getting any better, violence is on the rise and there are more people getting convicted because they are stealing food and clothes because the economy is decreasing in funds and people are loosing jobs.
Personally i believe Obama will make a change because he's done so in his own community as well as others. Therefore, he has seen the needs of the people and know that there are people all over America that are suffering from the same issues. If that was enough motivation to make change in a community imagine what he would do for America.

J.HELLER said...

Yes, I believe we are ready for a change. Either way the election is going to be historic. My feeling are the goverment is not gong to change. The president is basically just a face. The house and senate still control the majority of what goes on. Yes, the president black or woman will have ideas of change, but it still goes through the good ole boys to get passed.

JR said...

I believe that America is ready for this historical change. I believe as the voting date becomes closer Americans are becoming more comfortable with both issues of having a minority in office whether it be an African-American or a woman. Both of these individuals were elected into their positions because they are thought to be what is best for America.

Mya said...

I agree with daniel. And for the most part I agree with jake that if Obama does win that there is a guarantee that someone will try to assassinate him just because of his race. Truth be known the only reason that I wouldn't want Obama to win,is basically for his safety. As far as the "monumental" election I would have to say that it was inevitable that the minority, whether race or gender, would one day alter the steretypical "white male president"that americans have seen since the existence of the U.S. Sometimes change is good, and we as U.S citizens can only hope for the best.

Alexandria said...

I feel that most of America is ready for change. I do also agree with Mya. The safety of Barack Obama would be in the front of my mind if he is elected. Yes, I believe most of America is ready, because if we weren't he would not have made it this far. Unfortunately, there are those who still live in the past, like the people involved in the Jena 6 incident and the incident at Columbia University.

As for Palin I think it may be easier for her. Yes, the media right now is all over her, but I believe sexism has come farther than racism.

Tessa said...

I feel that for the most part, the majority of Americans are ready for a minority to be in a position of true power. After Bush, there can't be much worse.

Tiffany Coleman said...

I think that as a whole, No the country is not ready for something like this. But aside from that it may be a vast majority of people that feel as though they are ready for a change in the government which in the long run will better our nation. But not everyone would agree with that. We are still a country consisting of racist and biast citizens who are not up for significant change. And thats why I do not think that we are ready.

Ashley said...

I believe that America is ready for change!
Race,gender,none of that is whatever is best for our country.

Mike said...

I think that we are ready for a minority. Well I dont think that we have a choice at this point. The minority shouldnt even be a issue but knowledge that each canidate brings to the table. As of right now the economy is slowly trickling in a downward direction, so maybe a change is good.

Amanda said...

I think we are ready for a change. However, there are always groups that will have a problem with whoever is in office.

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to feel the same way: America needs to change, and soon. Obviously the way things have been run is not working, and has not worked in a long time. Whether we need a black president or a woman vice president, Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, we need a change. And sure, something could happen to either one of these minorities if either ends up in office. While the polls demonstrate a majority for change, there are still those who voted unsure and NO, we're not ready for such a drastic change. But ultimately, yes, we are in desperate need of change. It's just a matter of how well that change is executed, and how well the people handle it. Things are going to get very difficult in the next four years as we adjust to whatever change comes our way, and we as a people and a country need to unify now more than ever in order to take advantage of this change.

Ryan Watson said...

I believe America is ready to face facts. Obviously not everyone is going to be happy with the final choice, but at least this way people have more options than a bunch of old white guys. I believe that this race brings some "spice" back into choosing a president. America realizes that this is a tough decisiion, because they know that they will have to live with their decision for the next four years.

sam said...

In my opinion i think that Obama should become America's new President. After all this country has gone through, and our economy suffering like it is, we are in need for a new answer. However, if Obama is elected I think that because he a minority something terrible will happen to him. What it is, we dont know.

*Megan* said...

I think the face of America is changing. 100 years ago how did a person describe the "face" of America? Many would probably say white middle class man. Now the face isn't one particular race or culture. The face of America today is Black, Hispanic, White, Arabian and Oriental. Therefore, I believe America is very ready for a minority to take office. This country is so diverse and in the younger generations we are less likely to be sexist or racist. I think it may be the older generations who may have a problem with a minority being in office.

tiffany said...

i think that whatever we get if it is a black president or a female vice president should be ok. It shouldn't matter what ethnic background you have, what sex you are or if your male or female! if they get the job done then its ok

C. Rice said...

I totally agree with Daniel 100%. It is inevitable in the end. It was and is bound to happen sooner or later. We the people are created equal with certain inalienable rights. It's stated in the founding documents of our country. Are we ready? In my opinion, yes we are ready, we have been and should have been for a long time now. Our country is trying to rid itself of discrimination. This is most certainly a monumental step in the right direction. The more diverse we are in our leadership and who lead us, the more acceptable it will be to those citizens who are still holding on to their discriminative beliefs.

jenn said...

While I feel that this country is ready for a change I feel that this election is becomming more and more about the minority than about the true isues and the mess that the next President and his VP are going to have to clean up following the end of Bush's term.
I do feel that as a society that we are ready to accept the minority into office as long as they are willing to put the effort forth to help change the mess our country is in.

Billy Knutson said...

There shouldn't even be an issue over this...

It's embarassing to our Nation that this is still an issue, but it is a problem that we face. We as the voters must vote with a certain unbias this election, while maintaining a limited bias. We must vote for the President/Vice President not based on race or sex, but rather their experience, values, and views. If we as voters do this...and the "elected" go about their part with a nonpartisan manner, not allowing their own race/sex to interfere with their judgement, we'll have nothing to regret.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe we as the people and America are ready for the diversity in our office. People should not be worried about race or gender. They should be more focused on our economy and what is right for our country. We need to think more about what they want to accomplish and what is going to be the best for our people and our nation. It shouldn't matter on race or gender, one needs to realize the "BIG" picture. At the moment I believe Obama doesn’t stand a chance in office because he is going to destroy the “Little“ man business. What has Obama accomplished? I have nothing against him but right now the Untied States needs someone who can deal with a crisis and who has experience in leading us through the situation. I think Palin is fit to run the United States. She has experience at these kind of things, and that is what we need.