Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Please return to the Controversy of Armed Teachers Blog.

After Monday's incident, I thought it fitting to resume our discussion there.


Horace said...

I think teachers should be able to carry guns on school because students can get easy access to a gun and he/she can bring it to schhol and cuase an incident such as what happend at PCC on Monday

jenn said...

Oh that is just great instead of one crazy running around on campus with a gun lets allow the entire staff to carry a gun. It is proven over and over again that things happen in the heat of the moment when adrenaline is pumping and people are acting in the moment. I cannot imagine if teachers and professors were allowed to have weapons on school campuses.

Unknown said...

Teachers should be able to carry guns onto schools campuses, but must have law enforcement type background checks and tighter than normal restraints. This will cut down on the crimes, due to the fact that the criminal will never know who has a gun and who doesn’t.

Mike said...

So doing a background check is enough to arm a teacher? Also how would not knowing who has the gun benefit the students. This would probably have a negative effect by leaving students to wonder if they are safe or not because a Professor cannot be a police officer as well. However, I don't think students should be allowed to carry guns on campus ,but if were going to allow professor's to, shouldn't we allow students to as well. After all isn't this about the students safety?

M. B. Jennings said...

In this particular instance, Mike, it was about both the students' and support/faculty's safety. Remember, the suspect in question had issued a death threat towards a campus administrator.

I'm curious...How would you all suggest we mandate who ought to be able to carry a firearm?

Unknown said...

I'm wondering if rather than allowing the teachers to carry guns would it be more beneficial to have more police officers on campus at all times? I don't mean our rent-a-cops with their golf carts, whistles, and pepper spray, issuing tickets and warnings because you parked in a faculty spot (oops), but I mean actual officers walking around campus. Maybe even plain-clothes officers, so as not to cause alarm and attention that may distract students or instigate potentially dangerous students. I don't know how I stand exactly on either side, but what about considering several options?

Daniel Crain said...

I stand by my stance on this issue. I believe a teacher, as well as any other trained and licensed citizen, should have the ability to carry a concealed weapon and if necessary, utilize it to protect themselves, or others, if absolutely necessary.

Tiffany Coleman said...

I think that security at school is very important. Although, I still don't think that teachers should be able to carry around guns, I think that a lot of work needs to be done when it comes down to saftey of the students and staff.

Mya said...

After what happened on monday and with the discussion in class on whether or not i feel safe at school, i have come to the conclusion that i just dont feel safe anymore. When the initial blog was put up i guess i was speaking in reference to the big schools that have had problems with gun control(Virginia Tech). But with the recent happenings it has made me realize that something like what happened at Virginia Tech can happen at a small school such as PCC, and that just chills me to the bone. There is talk around school and in the news that the dude is supposed to be getting out this weekend(9/27-9/28)and i just can accept the fact that he's going to be out in the public and possibly come back to this school without warning and just start shooting. I can just picture the scene now. So i think it's safe to say that i can reconsider my earlier thoughts of armed teachers.

jake said...

I felt safe at school monday and are teachers were not armed but i still think teachers should be allowed fire arms

lynn08 said...

I agree with Jake to a certain level. I too felt safe at school when the inccident occurred, but the doors were still unlocked. So anyone could have walked in or out but, teachers should not be allowed to carry guns. Just think if a teacher would have had a nervous brake down then, it would have been Virginia Tech, the Teacher's edition! So not cool.

*Megan* said...

Even after mondays incident I still don't believe teachers should be able to carry a gun on campus.It's not solving the problem directly which is trying to keep guns or any type of weapon off of school grounds. I think schools are going to have more safety devices and not be so open and have more security.

J.HELLER said...

I still beleive that guns should not be carried by anyone. In this day and age where most people have little self control, it is to easy to pull the trigger then run.

Brad E. said...

Look, can we really trust anyone who carries a gun these days? I personally don't know!I don't think it should be up to the teachers to keep the campus safe. However,If we were to allow anyone on the campus to contain a cocealed weapon, I'd probably want someone like a security guard to hold that responsibility.They need to be well equipped. For instance, our "security" guards on campus only carry a broken flashlight and a flimsy walkie-talkie.I don't think that's going to "secure" the campus facilities... do you?